Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for MEEI Conference

These Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”) shall govern the attendance of all delegates (“Participants”) to the MEEI Program Conferences (“Events”). MEEI Program Events are collectively referred to as “MEEI Conference” in this Agreement. The information within this site is intended for general customers and may not be applicable to some geographical areas. MEEI Conference will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the contents of this site are accurate and up to date. However, MEEI Conference reserves the right to change information at any time.

1. To be eligible to attend MEEI Program Conferences, Participants must be 17 or over at the time of registration.

2. You must send us your complete details as you will be attending the conference by means of completing the online registration at [MEEI Conference Registration](https://meeiconference.org/register).

3. Please check the accuracy of the information you provide on your application form carefully, including any dietary or special access requirements, as MEEI Conference cannot be held responsible for errors.

4. MEEI Program will not be responsible for any action taken by the government or public authority of any kind including not granting consent or clearance of attendance.

5. Delegates are responsible for ensuring their own safety and security whilst spending time in the host city. MEEI Conference disclaims any liability for loss or damage to delegates or their property, including bodily injury, unless solely attributable to the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of MEEI Conference.

6. Delegates can only participate by adhering to the deadlines on registrations, be it as an individual delegate or as a delegation.

Registration Deadlines:

MEEI Conference Registrations shall only be conducted through the official website of MEEI Conference. Upon registration, the delegates will have to fill all the required information, including the council preferences and country preferences as listed in the registration form. Applications will be considered on the following criteria:
– The maximum capacity of each council
– The availability/ vacancy of preferred countries in each council

MEEI Conference registrants will have the option to choose from Non-Accommodation, Accommodation, and Full Experience packages. 

Each category will have different quotations (fee) for each package. There will be no extension on registration deadline. In case of any changes, delegates will be notified through MEEI Conference’s social media platforms. Delegates must write to MEEI Conference if they need visa support document at info@meeiconference.org

Simulation Entity Allocation Policy:

Allocation of Country, Non-Governmental Organizations, or Companies for the purpose of simulation on the Second Day is done through our app. MEEI Conference does not guarantee the availability of your preferred entity for the purposes of simulation and cannot be held responsible. Each Attendee can select his/her preferred entity to represent, provided it has not been already selected by another delegate or is not available in the list of entities in MEEI Conference Database. In case someone has selected your preferred entity before you, you are required to select another entity from the list of available entities.

Intellectual Property

All the copyright, graphics, trademarks, design rights (whether registrable or otherwise), as well as any and all other intellectual property rights including the “Look and Feel” of the website, software, and contents of all the pages on the MEEI Conference website (“MEEI Conference Content”) are owned by or licensed to the MEEI Program and, unless otherwise specified, no one other than the rightful owner or licensee of such copyright shall be entitled to:
– Distribute, modify, transmit, re-post, or use any or all of the MEEI Conference Content for any purpose (other than as specifically permitted) including, by way of example only, for public or commercial purposes, without the MEEI Conference’s written permission.
– Display, publish, copy, print, post, or otherwise use the MEEI Conference Content for the benefit of any other website.
– You may print off one copy of any page(s) from our site for your personal reference.


Most Visas are valid from 30 to 90 Days since the date of issuing. All confirmed applicants who require Visa Support Letters will be issued a Visa Support Letter from MEEI Conference within 14 Days of receiving such request, provided the request was made either less than or equal to 100 Days prior to the first day of the conference. Visa Support Letters strengthen your visa application to a great level, however, should never be considered as a guarantee of Visa Issuance. It is the responsibility of the delegate to secure a visa/entry to the destination country within appropriate time. MEEI Conference will not issue any refunds as per mentioned in the refund policy to delegates who are unable to secure the aforementioned visa or entry in time.

MEEI Conference will provide maximum assistance to the delegates having problems pertaining to securing a visa. MEEI Conference, however, cannot interfere with the final decision of the issuing Embassy/Consulate.

Rebranding/Name Change:

MEEI Conference reserves the right to rebrand or change the name of any of its Conferences at any particular destination without prior notice to the delegates. However, such change is limited to the name only without affecting the main essence and core objectives of the conference for which the attendee registered. Delegates are advised to refer to official communications for the most current information regarding any changes to the conference name or branding.

Mode of Payments:

All Payments shall only be done through our official website i.e. [www.meei.org](http://www.meeiconference.org). MEEI Conference will neither acknowledge nor be responsible for any payments done to any individual claiming to be an Ambassador or Official of MEEI Conference. Payments can be made through Credit/Debit Card or International Wire Transfer.

Refund Policy:

All Payments are Non-Refundable. However, delegates who have paid their fee in full can transfer their Participation to another destination or obtain a Credit Voucher of the paid amount as per the terms and conditions mentioned in the “Credit Voucher & Transfer Policy”.

Credit Voucher & Transfer Policy:

A credit voucher or a transfer to another destination request under this policy can only be made in case the delegate satisfies the following conditions:
– The Participant has paid the Conference Fee in “Full”.
– The delegate has initiated a request for Credit Voucher or Transfer through an email with an ink-signed request 60 Days prior to the First day of the Event.
– A Transfer can only be made to Conferences organized by MEEI Conference.
– A Credit Voucher can only be used at Conferences organized by MEEI Conference.
– In case the delegate fails to apply for transfer minimum 60 Days prior to the event the participant initially registered for, the following policy will apply based on the time the delegate has submitted his/her intent of transfer:
– 59 to 45 Days Prior to the Conference: 30% of the Paid Fee will be charged as Cancellation Fee, Remaining Amount will be refunded to delegate in the form of a Credit Voucher Only.
– 45 to 30 Days Prior to the Conference: 50% of the Paid Fee will be charged as Cancellation Fee, Remaining Amount will be refunded to delegate in the form of a Credit Voucher Only.
– 29 to 15 Days Prior to the Conference: 70% of the Paid Fee will be charged as Cancellation Fee, Remaining Amount will be refunded to delegate in the form of a Credit Voucher Only.
– 15 to 0 Days Prior to the Conference: 100% of the Paid Fee will be charged as Cancellation Fee and the Delegate will be considered as “No-Show“.

Code of Conduct

Registrants hereby certify by completing the registration process that all information submitted is truthful and accurate. The registrant understands that falsification of any information provided will disqualify him or her from participating in MEEI Program Conferences  and will result in legal actions against them. Participants agree that all material produced for this conference will be original work. Plagiarism will not be tolerated at MEEI Conference and should the MEEI Conference Secretariat discover instances of plagiarism, the individual shall bear consequences. Participants are expected and obliged to obey the laws of the host country while participating at MEEI Conferences. Participants will be personally responsible for all charges and damages incurred by them to facilities of the conference and social event venues. Participants understand full assumption of risk and acknowledge that MEEI Conference, and its President, Members, Officers, Elected Representatives and Employees, including the MEEI Conference Secretariat, do not assume any responsibility for the conduct and activities of the participants. Participants agree to accept and abide by the Code of Conduct published in the Conference Handbook and decided by the MEEI Conference’s Secretariat.⁠⁠⁠⁠ Participants agree to receive any consequence and shall be held liable if he/she, intentionally or unintentionally, use the name of MEEI Program for any kind of act which badly affects the conference as a whole or to any delegate of MEEI Conference. MEEI Conference cannot be held responsible for any kind of misconduct or crime committed by the participants. Participants themselves will be held liable for their own misconducts or crimes in light of Host Country Laws.

Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
For Payments Processed in Turkiye, the Turkish courts will have exclusive Jurisdiction with regards to any claim arising from or related to the payment processed in Turkiye. Turkiye Laws shall apply to these terms and conditions when the Payment is Processed in Turkiey.

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